Bobtail club

The only FCI club that brings together breeders and owners of the Bobtail breed in the Czech Republic.

Bobtail club

The only FCI club that brings together breeders and owners of the Bobtail breed in the Czech Republic.

Bobtail club

The only FCI club that brings together breeders and owners of the Bobtail breed in the Czech Republic.

Bobtail club

The only FCI club that brings together breeders and owners of the Bobtail breed in the Czech Republic.

Bobtail club

The only FCI club that brings together breeders and owners of the Bobtail breed in the Czech Republic.

Bobtail club

The only FCI club that brings together breeders and owners of the Bobtail breed in the Czech Republic.


Výbor Bobtail clubu varuje případné zájemce o štěňata našeho plemene před množiteli štěňat bez průkazu původu!!!!

Viz článek Není chov, jako chov. V případě informací o plemeni a štěňatech kontaktujte členy výboru klubu, kteří Vám budou nápomocni. Děkujeme. 

Petra Márová, predsedkyně Bobtail Clubu

2025 brno


eds brno 2563C36892 BC35 30A2 C6B4 012D154B32D6 


Euro OES Show 2017

Euro OES Show 2025

It is not breeding as a farm

clanek foot Recently I registered a significant increase in breeding dogs, not only bobtail, without a birth certificate ...